100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings (JUMBO)

100 Contemporary Concrete Buildings (JUMBO)

B. inggris Sekolah Dasar Sandra: Do you know Mr. Rody?
Bima: Yes i do Why
Sandra : 1)

Bima : He is a policeman. Sandra: What does he do?

Bima : 2)

Sandra: What a good job! Well, your mother is an accountant, right? 3) ma : She works with the money and accounts of the company.

Sandra: Oh, I see. I thought she gives lectures in a university.

ma : That's my aunty. 4)

By the way, I heard that your sister works at a bakery. ndra: That's right. She is a baker there. 5).

Bima : Let's go to the bakery someday!

Tolong Jawab! :)​

Sandra: Do you know Mr. Rody?
Bima: Yes i do Why
Sandra : 1)

Bima : He is a policeman. Sandra: What does he do?

Bima : 2)

Sandra: What a good job! Well, your mother is an accountant, right? 3) ma : She works with the money and accounts of the company.

Sandra: Oh, I see. I thought she gives lectures in a university.

ma : That's my aunty. 4)

By the way, I heard that your sister works at a bakery. ndra: That's right. She is a baker there. 5).

Bima : Let's go to the bakery someday!

Tolong Jawab! :)​


MAINTAIN public order and security,enforce THE LAW AND CATCH CRIMINALS

artinya : memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat,menenggakkan hukum dan menangkap para penjahat

maaf kalau salah
